Welcome to Saurabh Aggarwal’s educational page. Saurabh has travelled widely in Europe and USA; attending over 150 courses and conferences which has helped fine tune his clinical approach to provide the best available and up to date evidence based care for his patients.

Saurabh is very keen to continue his interest in education and has been a convener as well as a faculty member in courses and conferences locally, regionally and internationally. He regularly lectures nationally and internationally on Upper limb surgery and sports injuries.

He actively participates at leading conferences and training courses imparting knowledge on most recent surgical techniques and literature related to his specialty. He regularly conducts lectures through webinars and online conferences. Some of his lectures and operative videos are summarised on this page.


Hand and wrist elective case discussions for FRCS Orth

Hand & Wrist Trauma for the FRCS Orth

Upper Limb Anatomy, Approaches & Case Discussions

Surgical Technique Terrible Triad

Anatomy & Surgical Approaches around the hand & wrist

An in –depth guide to Upper Limb Neuropathies and tendon transfers by Dr Saurabh

Part 2 Upper Limb Neuropathies and tendon transfers by Dr Saurabh

Complex distal radius fractures by Dr Saurabh Aggarwal

Scaphoid fracture and SNAC wrist by Dr Saurabh Aggarwal

Terrible Triad Elbow Injury by Dr Saurabh Aggarwal

Natural history of Scaphoid fracture – a quick overview by Dr Saurabh Aggarwal

The Scaphoid – Anatomy, Radiology and Management

Arthroplasty for Proximal Humerus fractures Evidence and Decision Making

Arthroscopic Anatomy of the Shoulder

Malunited Distal Radius Fractures